Fishers of Men & Women - Fridays at 5:30pm
At times in our lives as believers in Christ, we are not always certain of what to do and just even how to do those uncertain things. On a dreary night out at sea on the Sea of Galilee, seven believers of Christ did not know what to do, and Jesus appeared to them to tell them what and how to do it. Yes, those believers were the disciples who had even witnessed Jesus crucified and resurrected from the grave! We are now His disciples and often at times have that very same difficulty of dealing with life’s uncertainty. Jesus stood on the shore of that sea to tell the disciples to cast their net, and they listened and pulled out a multitude of fish - more than they could have even imagined! Christ wants us to do the very same that He was instructing the disciples – trust Him. Discipleship means following the ways of another, hence putting our trust in Jesus even when it doesn’t seem that what He may tell us to do will yield a great deal of return. This small group study will explore what it means to cast our net deeper into the waters of faith and allow God to have His way. It is in this that we can be the true disciples and witnesses for Christ in the Earth, trusting in God and sharing our faith with others!